Sunday, February 2, 2014

"The Throwdown"

08/10/13 "The Throwdown"

One can learn a lot about themselves through Crossfit.  This is amplified when you attend a competition.  We compete against each other on a daily basis which makes us all inevitably better.  Coming together as a Team at a competition and performing at a high level is such a great feeling!  You have your teammates there to encourage you and you are more worried about not letting them down than you are about your individual performance.

This was my first Team Competition and Second competition since I competed in the "Worldwide Open" in March.  One word comes to mind... WOW!  What a great time with many great athletes fighting to make themselves and each other better during a very long day.  I was very lucky to be on one of the teams from Troy.  We went in with the mindset to do our best and have fun...and we accomplished both.  All day long it was more so very individualized to how well we scored or placed.  Clean+ Hang Clean complex, Triple Jump, Handstand walk, even the deadlift/burpee couplet was individualized since only one person could work at a time.

The last event I had been looking forward to and where the teamwork really had to come into play....and did it ever!  We had only one previous practice to go through the movements and kind of start scripting out how we wanted to tackle the "Chipper".  (For those of you who don't know, a "Chipper" workout is one that contains multiple movements and very high reps.  A workout you must just keep "chipping away at" to finish all the reps.)  With much talk and debate and planning out strategy we had a pretty good idea about how we wanted to attack it during the 20 minute time cap.  We came out of the gates fast and running like a well oiled machine pumping on all cylinders. We never stopped or slowed down and everyone stepped up their game and picked up reps where they could to save the others and let them recover on their breathing.  It was such a great feeling and put us all on a natural, heavy breathing, fatigued muscled high to get through to the Muscle-ups and complete one before time.  We were pretty pumped up to get that muscle-up all while taking first in our heat!

I cannot say enough great things about how hard my team worked and how well we communicated when things didn't go exactly to plan.  So this is a big shout-out to Team Troy and individually Zach, Christina, and Mandy!

Superbowl Pick: Rooting for Peyton and Company but picking the Hawks. Low scoring game, 23-24 Seahawks

Guest Days: Centerville Crossfit is hosting Guest Days Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday of this week.  Stop in and try out a class for free!

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