Sunday, January 26, 2014

Why Blog My Blog?!?!

The idea--The idea behind this blog came from my fellow coach and mentor Mike Lyons.  He brought this idea up in one of our many car ride conversations during the summer as we commuted back and fourth down I-75 going from Troy to Centerville and back again.  I thought about this concept of having a Blog for a while and liked the thought of posting helpful coaching tips that I pick up, discussing recent topics, informing the community of upcoming events, and possibly putting some myths to rest about health, fitness, nutrition, and whatever other topics may eventually come up.

My hopes and vision for this blog--I hope this blog becomes a resource that people can refer to on a weekly basis to gain knowledge and insight through the eyes of a Coach and Trainer not only in Crossfit but in general fitness.  I also hope that feedback and comments are posted in a positive manner throughout any controversial topics.  I certainly want people who do read this blog or articles posted to say they disagree if they do so and post some research about why they do so we all can become better educated.  I am by all means not stuck in my ways of coaching and work daily to become a more knowledgeable coach. I envision asking people for good topics to write about and plan on doing some interviews of some of my favorite clients who I have the pleasure of working with on a daily basis.  I am in no way, shape, or form a "writer" or English major so please do not rip my grammar and spelling apart.  I am a true "meat head" but will try my best to make this an enjoyable blog to read.

A few people to Thank already-- 

Mike, Thank you for this great idea and instilling confidence in the fact that I can do this.  Thank you for seeing potential in me from the very beginning and pushing me daily to become the best athlete and coach I can become.

Mitch, Thank you for the continued education on how to be a better coach and athlete!  I wouldn't be were I am now without your help.  I look forward to our future!

CCF TEAM-- Josh, Heather R, Heahter S, Casey, and James-- You have all been great to work with and I have picked up some great coaching tips and techniques from you all!

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