Sunday, February 9, 2014

A Story..."Hey Do you Crossfit?"

A Story...

One day, as my friends and I were walking down the street, we heard a ladies voice ask, "Hey do you guys Crossfit?"  We all stopped, turned, looked at each other, then replied with a hesitant..."Yes, how'd you know?"  She replied with, "It just looks like you do"

Shortly after, we found out that she was a fellow crossfitter from somewhere in Columbus.  Naturally we got to talking about our gyms, favorite movements, baseline times, max power clean weight etc.....then before you know it, we are competing against each other doing handstand push-ups on the closest tree we could find.  WOW! Did that just happen?!?!

After the impromptu HSPU competition was over we wrapped up our conversation and said our goodbyes. 

The next day I got to thinking about what it might have been that caused her to ask if we Crossfitted.  It had to have been because we were wearing Crossfit gear....nope, none of us had any branding of crossfit on. We were only wearing swimsuits and I had a cutoff t-shirt on.  Could have been how we walked? Carried ourselves?  Muscle Tone? Confidence?  Did she see us picking at our calluses?  Maybe it was all of those.

Crossfitters can pick out other crossfitters and your average person who knows about Crossfit is starting to see the kind of people Crossfit produces.  I mean, I have never looked at someone and thought to ask them, "Hey, Do you workout at L.A. Fitness" We do stand apart and we stand alone in the fitness world, and I love every second of it!

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