Sunday, March 30, 2014



Congratulations to everyone who competed in the Open this year.  These last five weeks are definitely not easy on the mind or body. Congrats to all the PR's, the first timers, the regional qualifiers, and especially the fighters! Those who I saw videos of doing one footed double unders, single arm snatches and thrusters, and those who took up to almost an hour finishing 14.5! All while not making any excuses!  These past five weeks have put my life back into perspective.  Here I am trying to prove my fitness and complaining I could have done better if my elbow and back were not so wrecked.  When people with cerebral palsy, obesity, etc... are bustin' ass and doing the same workout and making no excuses about it.

Now that the pressure and stress placed on myself to perform are over, it is much easier to see what the OPEN is really all about.  It isn't about Froning and Briggs setting the fastest time or performing the most reps.  It is about those getting their first toe to bar or pulling a PR deadlift while gasping for air.  It is about the community coming together to cheer each other on.  It is about the thousands upon thousands of dreaded burpees performed when you think you might not even be able to stand back up.  That is what is truly important! That is what Crossfit really is at the core! Oh, and happy training as always...there are only 47 more weeks until 15.1!

I don't care what anyone says....the first day of Spring is Opening Day! Go Redlegs!